Successful Coaches Create Products That Clients Want And Will Buy

Coaches have to create products clients want and will buy. If you don’t create the right coaching products, you will struggle to attract a regular flow of clients to build a successful business.

When coaches create products clients really want, it becomes easier to grow your business. Especially if you are offering unique good quality content to your Ideal Audience. Then Your business grows and develops in ways you never imagined because you are attracting soul clients.

But the problem today is many Coaches come into this sector assuming people will buy what they want to create or provide. Coaching like any other product or service requires clients who will need or want your product or program.

So it is so important to do some marketing research and beta-testing. So many coaches takes months many over 6- months to create a product, program or service. And they struggle to get any sales because of either the wrong product or service, the wrong clients or poor marketing.

Create Products That Are Attractable To Your Ideal Audience

It is so important to create products that your aligned ideal client or Soul Client actually wants and will invest in. Create your product in a way that appeals to your audience’s needs, your Soul Tribe’s desires.

Impact Of Poor Coaching Content

Sadly in the last decade there has been a huge decline in quality in coaching training and coaching programs over recent years. So much so that many consumers are a lot more cautious about who they invest in. I know I became very disillusioned for quite a few years after investing in quite a few coaches, that promised so much more than they delivered. 

So it is important to know exactly who your marketing to who your coaching sessions and programs are for and who your courses are not for. Remember you need to be at least a few steps ahead of your clients or students in a specific area of expertise to help them.

Believe me it is very disappointing when you invest in a coaching program or coaching sessions where the coach has less expertise or knowledge in an area than you that are investing them. If I hire a Health Coach I want someone who has more expertise in this area than I have, if I hire some sort of Business Coach I want them to have strengths in areas I struggle with. That is why you should always know who your Ideal Soul Clients are.

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Focus On Your Zone Of Genius

Equally I know so many of you shy away from your greatest Zone of Genius because of fear, old wounding. Don’t let old beliefs or conditioning stop you from living your purpose. That is why I bring in Archetypal and Inner Child Healing into my programs and sessions with Clients to help them let get of sabotaging behaviours.

Successful Coaches Create Products, Programs Clients Love

Successful coaches create unique or highly valuable content, they take their coaching skills and coaching training seriously.  They continually find out what their ideal clients and soul clients want and need at that time. They take their own CPD, self-growth, and evolvement seriously. So they are constantly growing and evolving.

Why Successful Coaches Create Products That Few People Are Offering 

If you only focus on creating programs you see everyone else doing or create a program you just fancy doing. Or even just package your courses the same way as your training school taught you. In many ways, your missing what coaching is all about.

Coaching is about coaching in your areas of expertise, your individuality. And the most successful way to do that is by choosing a unique niche. Most coaches waste a lot of valuable, time, and energy on being too similar to other coaches. Or by focusing on the wrong audience. That is why most coaches don’t survive in business.

The key is finding your area of expertise, your niche, and your soul clients. Then create a product or program that your soul clients want and will buy.

Successful Coaches Create Products Clients Want

How Great Coaches Create Products Clients Want

1. It is important to know your ideal clients.

You need to really know your ideal clients, in-fact in the spiritual industry your soul clients.  As these are the most powerful clients to attract to your business.

2. You Need To Test The Market

Well to create the right products that your soul clients actually want, you need to test the market. If you are serious about your coaching business, you need to understand your ideal client, know the solutions they are looking for. You need to test the market.

 The best way to do that is by offering beta test introductory offers or taster programs to some of your ideal clients or soul clients. It is important to do this before creating large coaching or training programs. If not you’re really just hoping and praying someone will buy.

I made a huge mistake a few years back I spent over 8 months creating a year’s coaching and membership program for empaths and sensitives. I made a few small but important mistakes that seriously impacted its success. I ended up wasting thousands on marketing a program to an audience that wasn’t ready for what I was offering. They were at beginner level when what I was offering was a little bit too advanced for my audience. Also I was attracting just the freebie seekers or those looking for exchanges not those who actually invested in themselves.

Marketing can be costly in the wellness and spiritual coaching industry so it is important to test the market as early as you can. Check to see if your ideal clients actually want what you’re intending to sell or will buy at the price you are charging. Before you create the whole product or program.

3. You Need To Match Up What They Will Be Willing To Invest

Be wary of any coaches who tell you, you can sell your products at any price you want. Yes of course you can sell your products or programs at any price, but that doesn’t mean your program will sell. It also doesn’t mean that your ideal client will think it’s worth it. This is why it is so important that you know what your ideal client will pay.

4. Being A Good Fit In Quality And Content

If you want to charge premium or high-end prices you need to sell high-quality content. Adding the word coach to your business services doesn’t automatically entitle you to charge premium prices. Quality always overrides quantity, that is why I always encourage coaches to coach in subjects they have a certain amount of expertise in or a very niche area you can become an expert in.

5. Deliver And Present In A Professional Way

Make sure you’re delivering your business, your coaching programs, and products in a quality way. Make sure you deliver your content, your videos, your webinars, your PDFs in a professional way. I will never forget the coaches who charged me crazy prices but actually did a coaching call on skype to save them money. Or the coach who delivered course content that looked as if a child had written it. If you need help to make your products or services more professional hire some help. This can seriously make or break your business reputation. If you want to be taken seriously you need to take care of the presentation.

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Why So Many Coaches Fail To Create Products Clients Want

I have witnessed many individuals who have left great paying jobs to go into coaching. Most of them went into coaching because they believed this would be a very fast and financially easy career. Sadly too many of them arrived in the industry with very little understanding of business or marketing. Often investing thousands of pounds on the wrong things, the wrong products, or marketing to the wrong audience. Or simply offering programs or coaching in areas they assumed would be easy money.

I believe now more than ever if you want to be a coach, you have to know your coaching subject well. A few weeks or months training in one area is not going to cut it. So many coaches are trying to be someone they are not. Because they are failing to recognise the areas of expertise they already have.

Every successful coaching or therapy business has to build its business around the solutions their ideal clients want and are ready to buy. If not you don’t have a coaching business you are just creating a rather expensive hobby.

When successful coaches create products, the RIGHT products or services.

When you market the right products to the right clients you not just increase profit but increase your market influence.

With a massive growth in the health and wellness market, there is a wide range of products that coaches and therapists can pass on to their clients. But you need to have enough of a market that will buy.

Choose your products wisely especially if you are supplementing your income with actual physical products. For those of us that are therapists or healers, we can get bombarded by independent distributors and companies trying to sign us up as consultants.

Often promoting products they claim to have all sorts of powerful and magical properties. When the reality is most don’t do half they say they do.  Again choose products on quality, not simply on your profit market. It can seriously cost your business it’s professional reputation so try and test these products yourself.

This blog was originally published April 2017 updated 8th Feb 2021

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