CPD Courses For Therapists, Coaches, and Organisations
Continued Professional Development Courses and Accredited Training for therapists, coaches, organisations.
A range of online CPD courses in stress management, meditation, relaxation therapist training,
business and marketing courses for coaches and therapists.
Provided by owner of Stress Coach Training, highly qualified coach, therapist, healer Eileen Burns
with over 30 years of studying the health, wellness and self-development sector.
CPD Courses and Programs For All Levels
Accredited Stress Management Practitioner Training

Learn How To Slow Down, Relax And Have Some ME Time
Do you know how to slow down or relax? Do you know how to seriously switch off? Really relax and have some me-time? Why Most Of Us Struggle To Slow Down, Relax Most of us actually don't know how to slow down, relax, struggle to switch off...

Why Chronic Stress Is Serious – Learn How To STOP It
Why Chronic Stress Is Serious Business. We know the STRESS Response is a necessary part of survival. But why has chronic stress become such a big problem? Why is Chronic Stress so harmful to our health and well-being? Chronic stress...

7 Therapist Tips To STOP Anxiety Attacks
7 Ways To Stop Anxiety Attacks Learn Anxiety Expert Tips How To Stop Anxiety Attacks Without Pharmaceutical Drugs Although panic attacks and anxiety disorders can be extremely frightening and debilitating, there are ways to manage and...

What Are The Top Health Benefits Of Relaxation Therapy?
What Are The Health Benefits Of Relaxation Therapy? The Main Health Benefits of Relaxation Therapy to treat stress, anxiety and insomnia are well recognised by the medical profession. Relaxation Therapy Is Relaxation Therapy is the safe...