Marketing Your Therapy Business.

Does Your Marketing Message Sell To The Potential Clients You Want To Attract? Or Does It Only Sell to Other Therapists Who Understand What You Do?

Marketing your therapy business isn’t always as simple as it sounds. But thankfully we have acces to many free marketing tools and resources that can help us.

With so much online information, so many therapists and therapies to choose from. It can be overwhelming for potential clients to quickly see if you are the right fit for their needs. When your marketing your therapy business, clients want to see quickly if you can help solve their problem. Consumers want to access the information they want quickly and easily, they may want to see quickly if you are local or if you are the type of therapist they will resonate with. Remember online marketing is information overload, clients want to find you instantly if they don’t see the information they need, they simply move on and look elsewhere.

Important Points To Remember When Marketing Your Therapy Business

It’s your job to make it easy for your clients to find you.
You have to make it clear what solutions you offer
You have make it clear how and where you do it
You have to make it clear what makes you qualified

You Have To Market Your Therapy Business In A Way A Child Can Quickly Convey What You Do

The sad fact is many client’s don’t know the difference between NLP, Hypnotherapy, EFT and CBT. More traditional meditation, mindfulness and guided meditation. Reiki and other types of energy healing or even herbalism and homeopathy.

Clients and customers just want you to solve their problem, safely and effectively.  And they usually want to resonate with you, get that know, like and trust factor.

Because they just want to know that you can help and that your service is the right one for them. So you need to demonstrate why your treatment or therapy is the most effective for their particular problem. And believe me just saying your product or service is effective doesn’t wash. Words mean nothing if you don’t have some sort of evidence, testimonials, experience.

Clients may want to know if you are locally based and/or easily accessible. They may want to know your charges and if you can help.

The more experienced clients or those suffering from chronic or serious health issues may want to know how experienced, how qualified you are? How much you understand their condition and what type of results you have already achieved?

One of the most powerful ways to market your therapy business is in your area of expertise. If you are amazing at help with pain management, offer that as your signature program. If you have a lot of experience with a specific emotional issue or health condition consider niching in that area.

do clients understand what your selling

In Marketing You Need To Think Like Your Client or Customer

In any business you need to think like your client, not look at your marketing as a therapist. Unless you are another therapist your rarely focusing on the techniques or tools you use.

Your marketing message has to be so simple that a child will understand it.

What problem can you solve or help with, does your marketing demonstrate or convey this?

Does your marketing represent you and the type of service they will get.?

Or is it the same type of message every other therapist like you, is sending out?

You are your unique, so is your service. What makes you different?

Marketing Your Therapy Business Like A Pro

Your area of expertise and skills, integrity and professionalism should be conveyed in your marketing as part of your personal motto. Especially when the health and wellbeing industry is saturated with dangerously poor training. So many therapists practising and teaching therapies they have no or little training in. Leaves many customers not satisfied and cautios about who they buy from.

Apply your own discernment and inner wisdom. So many training shools, claim their therapy will do this, that, heal this, that…to every sort of challenge and disease, when in fact the reality is in a lot of cases they can only help those conditions by a small percent. Sell what you are great at not what may help someone.

I have been studying holistic wellbeing for 25 years and been a sufferer of many health challenges. I’ve personally spend many thousands of pounds on therapies and treatments that were a complete waste of time and money. I’m still shocked how many claims coaching and therapy training schools make to their students about what their training heals. This is also extremely common with many holistic product suppliers especially MLM companies. They never promote how many times or conditions their products didn’t help someone only what they want us to hear.

Focus You Marketing On Your Biggest Successes And Strengths

Focus your marketing on the big wins, those issues your therapy is particularly effective in treating and reducing. Areas where you have helped not just a handful of clients but hundreds of clients.

Many therapies can help many conditions but some many only help a client up to 5% when others can make about 95% a difference. You want to focus on the areas that you know you can make a big difference. So focus your business and marketing on those benefits you have seen with your own eyes, with your clients over and over again. Concrete evidence in great testimonials especially on social media from your customers, speaks a thousand words.

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