The most important step in finding your inner guidance is connecting to your inner self in a state of harmony and peace.

You can connect to your inner guidance more easily and effectively through meditation. Meditation helps us not just experience more calm and peace. But daily meditative practice helps us remain more open to possibilities from a state of being, without the unhealthy distractions, chaos or confusion from the chatter of the monkey mind.

step to inner guidanceMeditation helps us move away from states of anxiety and stress; fear and confusion to harmony, balance and alignment. The perfect state of being to truly connect to the real inner you and the self, your intuition, your very own navigation system or compass. That part of you that guides you to what’s right for you and what you are here to do. So meditation is a very powerful way to access your inner guidance, your intuition.

When you learn to meditate properly and effectively, you move away from what you think you have to, should do, must do. To what really feels right for you, what feels natural for you. Meditation helps you access the deepest part of you away from your fear-based limiting beliefs and conditioning. So it is the most powerful place to send out your wishes and intentions from.

Most traditional meditation practice helps us increase our awareness of the peace, the stillness that is always there, it moves our focus from outward to inward. You can also use Guided visualisation is also known as guided meditation it is the use imagery, colours, textures, shapes, sounds… The use of our senses and feelings to tap into our creativity our inner wisdom and self-healing. But this tends to be only truly effective when one has learned to practice and master deeper states of traditional based meditation and awareness. It requires a cultivation of patience, discipline and focus.

Most clients I see are so caught up in the external world they have forgotten the route into their own inner wisdom and insight. They are so disconnected they mistake their mental chatter for their inner guidance.  But the great thing about today is you can learn so many different types of meditation skills that not only reduce your anxiety and stress but help you access your deepest inner knowing, your own inner wisdom, to live the life you deserve and are here to serve. If you are a coach or therapist you can teach your clients how to access their inner knowing and develop their intuition.


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