YOUR 1st Step towards Self Love & Confidence

Nurturing more Self Love & Self Confidence


True Self Confidence is best cultivated when we take the time, to be still and connect with our authentic self, encouraging a deeper acceptance of who we are, at the core.

If we want to NURTURE more SELF LOVE, you have to TRULY LOVE & ACCEPT the self

1. So DON’T waste energy trying to be SOMEONE ELSE.

It is okay to admire other’s qualities and skills but when your too busy focusing YOUR ENERGY on what they have, that you want, or think your don’t have. Your coming from a place of LACK.

2. Start by ACCEPTING Your frailty, your weaknesses, your vulnerability.

We all are so MUCH MORE than we can IMAGINE but we cause ourself more pain when we don’t ACCEPT our feelings of worthlessness or feelings of LACK.

3. Start by VALUING,  you the SELF.

Every single person is  born with a VALUE, no  matter what they  think or not. When a  tiny baby or animal is  born, it has VALUE  just being. We have  all been born for a  reason, for a purpose.  For JUST BEING you have a VALUE.


Get BACK TO BASICS, ask friends, family and colleagues, 3 words they would use to describe your most NATURAL QUALITIES.

Childhood Hobbies


5. EXPLORE your childhood tendencies.

What activities did you naturally explore, seek  or withdraw from ? As young children we tend  to be drawn towards our natural affinity.



What have you learnt from that experience, the HARDEST LIFE CHALLENGES or MISTAKES can teach us GREAT THINGS.


7. Make TIME for  thos21577809_se things you  LOVE TO DO.

There’s nothing like a  little bit of PASSION  in your life, to ignite    and reveal the real  you and an authentic  confidence that comes  when were having  fun.



If your Lacking Self Confidence, Self Esteem or Self Love

Join me sat 28th June at the Shawlands Park Hotel, Lanarkshire

for 1st Step to Self Love & Self Love– Confidence Building Workshop

Build your Confidence

a safe, supportive, small workshop where you can learn powerful skills on how to nurture more self confidence, self worth, self esteem and self love.

£70 each or 2 for £130 Book by 20th June 2014.

Special Concession rate of £55 for previous clients & subscribers to our Stress Coach News ( signup now at and email me at for details

Cost includes lunch, refreshments & workbook BOOK NOW

Eileen also provides online 1-2-1 Life coaching Sessions to help you MOVE FORWARD, build more SELF WORTH, SELF ESTEEM & CONFIDENCE

Special Offers in June for our

1-2-1 Life Coaching Sessions

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