Calm Coaching
Coaching Tools and Coaching Resources to help you become a much calmer, confident and more professional coach.
Our Accredited Stress Management Practitioner Training, our 20+ Relaxation Therapy Tools & Techniques,
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How To Live A More Simple Stress-Free Life
Does Your Heart Crave For A More Simple Stress-FREE Life? A less busy, fast, and overwhelming day to day life? Maybe your considering downsizing your life or your commitments? So many people are leaving the rat race of high pressurised jobs for a more simplistic...
Living with M.E. the Reality the Truth
After reading a few of the usual very mis-leading articles on M.E. published over the last few days, I decided to write my own story to try and highlight the reality of living with M.E. As May 12th is International M.E. Awareness Day. Sadly M.E. has been a huge debate...
Transition, Moving Forward after Change
After any kind of loss or life change, illness, grief, seperation, even redundancy or unemployment, we can feel stuck, as one chapter of our life ends and a new chapter begins. The transition isn't always plain sailing, it can be painful and difficult, and be a source...
Life Coaching after Seperation or Loss
Moving on to a New Life after Loss or Seperation. Seperation and/or Loss, ake our world. Other than the large void, emotional grief, we can experience a loss of identity and/or fear of our future. Whether a relationship has ended or a loved one has passed on, it is a...
Where Does Self Healing Occur- Through Healing Or Being?
Where Does Self Healing Occur? Exploring the subject of self healing. Despite having chronic health challenges from my late teens it has took me a long time to begin to interpret the many views and layers to self healing. I began practising reiki and meditation in...
Dis-ease, Disease, And Stress
Dis-ease, Disease, and Stress Why does dis-ease cause anxiety and stress? Why does dis-ease within the mind, body, and emotions lead to physical, mental, and emotional disease? What can we do to find more balance and ease within ourselves and our life? What Is...
How Much Is Extra Hours At Work Costing Your Health?
How Much Is Extra Hours At Working Costing Your Health? So many clients I see are chronically stressed by the extra hours at work they hoped would help improve their quality of life and end up costing them their health and relationships. Do You See How Much Those...
How To Manage Long-Term Stress
Long-term Stress can lead to an array of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms and conditions. The longer chronic stress goes on the more likely you are to suffer from a wide range of chronic stress issues. Common long-term and chronic stress-related symptoms...
Natural Alternatives For Anxiety & Stress
Top Natural Alternatives For Anxiety & Stress Millions of people are moving away from allopathic medicine toward natural alternatives for anxiety and stress. More and more people are turning to natural therapies and remedies to support their physical, mental, and...