Calm Coaching
Coaching Tools and Coaching Resources to help you become a much calmer, confident and more professional coach.
Our Accredited Stress Management Practitioner Training, our 20+ Relaxation Therapy Tools & Techniques,
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10 Top Tips For A Sunday Reset
10 Top Self Care Tips For A Sunday Reset. How to restore your mind, body, emotions and spirit for the week ahead with a weekly Sunday Reset. What is a Sunday Reset? Sunday's is a time for resting, unplugging and preparing for the week ahead. Making a Sunday Reset a...
Right Stress Management Skills For Therapists, Life Coaches
Stress Management Skills For Therapists, Life Coaches. Why choosing the right Stress Management Skills for your clients and students is so important. Why the foundation of any effective stress management approach is having more than a few of the right stress...
Benefits Of A Person Centred Approach In Stress Management
Benefits Of A Person Centred Approach In Stress Management Exploring the benefits of a more person centred approach in stress management, stress coaching and various forms of therapy. Some of the possible harms to clients when we don't have a person centred approach....
Why Chronic Stress Increases Inflammation And Pain
Why Chronic Stress Increases Inflammation? Learn why chronic stress and long-term stress increases inflammation and pain. Why chronic stress is a huge contributing factor to dis-ease and many diseases today? 4 main approaches to begin reducing your stress levels and...
Stress And The Vagus Nerve
Stress And The Vagus Nerve The connection between stress and the vagus nerve, and some of the things that need to be considered when approaching specific vagus nerve stimulation techniques as part of any any stress, anxiety and trauma management program. What is The...
The Mind Body Spiritual Approach To Managing Stress
The Mind Body, and Spiritual approach to managing stress in our life, work, and relationships. Why managing stress effectively in our lives should always be addressed from a more holistic perspective. Some of the biggest pitfalls of around just looking at stress from...
Understanding Eustress – Why Not All Stress Is Negative
What is Eustress? And why is this type of stress regarded as positive stress, in many ways a necessary type of stress that helps move us to take action, try new exciting things in many ways, and helps make life interesting? What is Eustress? Eustress is the type of...
Emotional Resilience – Giving Clients The Fishing Rod Not The Fish
Emotional Resilience - Why We Should Give Clients The Fishing Rod Not Just The Fish. Exploring one of the biggest causes of poor emotional and mental resilience in the modern world. What life skills and tools can help us achieve healthier mental and emotional...
Top Time Management Skills For Coaches
Top Time Management For Life Coaches, Stress Coaches, Business Coaches, and Trainers. Learn why the right Time Management Skills are necessary for coaching. Why Time Stress is such a major anxiety trigger and stressor in our clients' lives. Why it is so important for...