Why I Stopped Being Just A Healer…My journey as a healer.

My journey into holistic wellbeing and healing started at only 19 when I became chronically ill.

By 1992 I began studying reiki with the support of Tom McCulloch an amazing healer in Scotland now in his 80’s . Who despite living in the most basic and rural accommodation you can imagine, would be jam packed with clients coming from all over the uk, even abroad. Tom a great friend to me  was one of my biggest teachers, although he wasn’t my formal reiki master.  My first Reiki Master was Mari Hall who travelled from America to teach reiki in Scotland and Europe. For various reasons I work and studied with various reiki teachers as I came from the view that being a master in anything, takes decades not a few weekends. But that is for another blog.

Reiki played a big part in the beginning of my healing journey whilst I was chronically house and bedbound but like many holistic approaches I tried along the way, it didn’t completely heal me. It was just opening the door to something so much more. I knew on some level this was just the start to the world of healing and that I wanted to be more than just a healer.

My Healing Journey

So my healing journey incorporated a rather windy and interesting road through an array of different types of therapies, remedies, nutritional approaches with a massive chunk of my own and kindly my parent’s income along the way. I was diagnosed with a range of very unusual hard to treat medical conditions that modern medicine had no solutions, for which included threatened eye loss of the my left eye.

My biggest challenges became my biggest gifts, as a huge motivating factor for studying such a wide range of holistic disciplines. Despite living on a very low modest income as even after 7 years being unable to work I was only every able to work part time.

Meeting So Many Amazing Healers and Therapists

One of the things I was so grateful for was meeting some of the most some amazing healers using some of the most interesting and amazing modalities. But equally I have came across a lot of very poor, ignorant and dangerous practices. Experiences that shaped me into the therapist I am today.

I developed a huge hunger for knowledge in holistic well-being and the workings of the mind, body and emotions. I wanted to help others, really help others and be the best healer and therapist I could be. A shared interest in self-development from my father helped me recognise at a young age some of the biggest causes of dis-ease and unhappiness. Reiki was a great tool to help and even teach clients.

Why Just Being A Healer Can Creates Co-Dependency Issues

But for me it didn’t fully provide clients with the full skills or totally self-responsibility to prevent dis-ease and disharmony in the first place. It created more wounding, and so many co-dependency issues. I wanted to give clients more, I wanted to give clients more powerful life skills to manifest happier and healthier lives.


I recognised I was not just a healer but a teacher. So I trained extensively in a range of disciplines, seeking the most effective training and skills that would benefit both me and my client. Skill that would empower clients to heal thy self, safely and effectively. Eventually leading to accredited training courses for therapists , healers and coaches including my Relaxation Therapist Training.

Every day I am grateful that I am living at least part of what I believe is living my life purpose; empowering others to live a far more healthier, happier and peaceful life.


wounded healer podcast - the wounded healer journey


Relaxation Techniques For Therapists, Relaxation Training For Coaches

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