CPD Courses For Therapists, Coaches, and Organisations
Continued Professional Development Courses and Accredited Training for therapists, coaches, organisations.
A range of online CPD courses in stress management, meditation, relaxation therapist training,
business and marketing courses for coaches and therapists.
Provided by owner of Stress Coach Training, highly qualified coach, therapist, healer Eileen Burns
with over 30 years of studying the health, wellness and self-development sector.
CPD Courses and Programs For All Levels
Accredited Stress Management Practitioner Training

7 Ways Therapists Teach Your Clients How To Relax
7 Ways Therapists Can Teach Clients How To Relax How to teach your clients to relax, feel more calm in their daily life. How to help empower your clients to feel calmer, relaxed, more grounded, and centered. And to discourage...
6 Top Tips How To Treat Insomnia Naturally
6 Top Tips How To Treat Insomnia Naturally Sick and tired of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and irritable through lack of sleep learn naturally. how to treat insomnia. 99% of insomnia symptoms are actually caused by over-stimulation;...

Why Hobbies Reduce Stress Increase Passion And Creativity
Why Hobbies Reduce Stress Increase Passion And Creativity. A variety of research shows hobbies reduce stress and anxiety. Many hobbies are relaxing, encouraging a more balanced state of mind, body, and emotions. Hobbies can also encourage...

How To Relax In 5 Minutes Or Less – Quick Ways To RELAX
Do You Know How To Relax In 5 Minutes Or Less Do You Know How To Switch Off, Destress In 5 Minutes Or Less. Simple ways to relax in 5 minutes or less with stress expert and meditation teacher Eileen Burns. The Importance Of...