7 Ways Therapists Can Teach Clients How To Relax
How to teach your clients to relax, feel more calm in their daily life. How to help empower your clients to feel calmer, relaxed, more grounded, and centered. And to discourage co-dependent relationships.
There are so many ways therapists can teach their clients how to relax to reduce their anxiety and stress levels. Depending on the type of therapy you are trained in and what services you are providing. Many therapists are just treating the symptoms rather than helping clients actually become more empowered to manage and reduce their own stress.
Increase Your Value As A Therapist
If you are a coach, therapist, or healer who can actually teach your clients how to relax, teach your clients how to become more stress-resilient. Becomes the type of therapist or trainer that is known for really empowering their clients to take back responsibility for their health and wellbeing. You can increase your value as not just a therapist or coach, healer but your increase the value of your business.
Especially if you can learn professional relaxation techniques that teach your clients how to relax deeply, sleep deeply in a safe and effective way. More than ever your clients need to learn how to switch off from the stress response into the relaxation response.
Despite being a coach, counsellor, healer, and therapist for many years. My biggest demand for work for 19 years has been teaching stress management skills. Especially teaching relaxation and meditation techniques. Most people today struggle to relax, struggle to switch off because of an un-natural mindset and an unnatural lifestyle. This constant state of stress is playing havoc with their mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Why Your Clients NEED To Learn How To Relax
As a therapist, you see chronic muscle tension, anxiety, stress or depression, insomnia, adrenal fatigue alongside chronic health challenges. You know how much anxiety and stress are causing dis-ease and disease.
The more you really know your clients and understand their challenges the more they trust you. And value your advice, your suggestions.
Clients recognise those therapists, and healers that have their client’s best interests at the heart of their business. And when you can help give them what they need in a professional way even better.
Today we need more therapists and healers that can teach clients how to manage their anxiety and stress, how to relax and sleep deeply. Do many people need help to reduce or manage your symptoms of stress and dis-ease. We need teachers who can help clients stop and reduce the cause of that stress.
Many organisations recognise that investing in stress management training is a more cost-effective way to reduce stress at work. Then just employing just counsellors or therapists.
Teaching Relaxation Therapy, Meditation and Mindfulness tools is a great way to help your clients how to relax, be more in control of their anxiety and stress . Teaching relaxation techniques to your clients, local organisations and sectors can be an additional source of income for many therapists.
7 Ways To Help Teach Your Clients How To Relax
Learn How To Relax Yourself:
Learn Professional Relaxation Therapy Techniques so you are manage your own stress and anxiety. It is important to feel more calm, confident and relaxed as a therapist to help your clients relax.
Hold Your Clients In A Safe Space:
Make sure you always hold your clients in a safe, non-judgemental, nurturing space.
Give top relaxing tips in your handouts and newsletter.
A helpful handout of activities and tools as part of a clients after care will help encourage clients to include relaxation into their day.
Sell Relaxation Products
Selling stress relieving and relaxation products or aids alongside your other products or services.
Provide Meditation Or Relaxation Classes
The best way to teach clients how to relax is offer relaxation and stress management workshops, webinars or classes. Invite other and wellbeing experts into your clinic or therapy practice.
Teach Relaxation Therapy
Become a relaxation therapist and teach your clients the right relaxation techniques for their unique needs.
Learn To Ask The Right Questions:
Asking the right questions helps you open the conversation about their anxiety and stress levels. When you get to know your clients biggest stressors you can help make them open to more suggestions.
One way to seriously boost your income and increase your clients is to Become a Relaxation Therapist. Our certificated relaxation therapists, relaxation teachers are qualified in a wide range of meditation and relaxation techniques that students love.
This type of stress management therapy business is not just ideal for private clients and classes or workshops. You can become a self-employed contractor or trainer for corporate organisations to help with occupational health, the charity, health and education sectors.
I spent a large part of my career as a stress management trainer and relaxation therapist and loved teaching relaxation therapy and meditation to the education, health, and charity sector. I taught all ages and sectors, from small groups of less than 10 people to larger groups of a few hundred. I taught classes from as young as pre-school to over 70. I loved the fact I got to do what I loved to do in a happy and healthy way. If you would love to learn more about how you can teach your clients how to relax, how to lower their anxiety and stress levels, how to sleep deeply.

Great tips and advice here Eileen. Stress is so detrimental to our health…. Relaxation therapy is just what the world needs 🙂
thanks Anna…definitely.. it’s a shame so many people don’t realise they don’t just have to live with chronic stress and that relaxation therapy can be fun.
Wonderful tips! Especially # 1 managing your stress,
Thanks Patti- Yeah the most important one