CPD Courses For Therapists, Coaches, and Organisations
Continued Professional Development Courses and Accredited Training for therapists, coaches, organisations.
A range of online CPD courses in stress management, meditation, relaxation therapist training,
business and marketing courses for coaches and therapists.
Provided by owner of Stress Coach Training, highly qualified coach, therapist, healer Eileen Burns
with over 30 years of studying the health, wellness and self-development sector.
CPD Courses and Programs For All Levels
Accredited Stress Management Practitioner Training

The 5 Stages Of Sleep Cycle
The 5 Stages Of Sleep Cycle. Understanding the Sleep Cycle and why it is not just about how many hours we manage to sleep. But why it is important that we reach the 5 Stages of the Sleep Cycle to get full health benefits? We know good...

Simple Self Soothing Techniques To Relax
Simple Self Soothing Techniques To De-Stress yourself during a crisis, anxiety, or stress. Some of the most common health and unhealthy self-soothing habits. Why do so many of us self-soothe through our addictions? What Is Self Soothing?...

7 Natural Ways To Help You Relax Deeply
How To Relax Deeply - 7 Natural Ways To Help You Relax Deeply Can You Relax Deeply, Sleep Deeply, or Switch Off without the help of a device, distraction, or form of medication? Sadly millions of people today, struggle to relax, too many...

Professional Online Stress Management Courses For Life Coaches
Professional Online Stress Management Courses For Organisations, Coaches, and Therapists. A review of our different online Stress Management Programs and Training For Wellbeing Practitioners, Charities, Education, and Individuals. How to...