Calm Coaching
Coaching Tools and Coaching Resources to help you become a much calmer, confident and more professional coach.
Our Accredited Stress Management Practitioner Training, our 20+ Relaxation Therapy Tools & Techniques,
Meditation Pod, Meditation Classes and Soul Empowering Courses
Lacking Confidence, Self Love, Self Worth or Esteem ?
We all go through life feeling we lack "something" at some point in our lives. In my work and through my personal experiences as a painfully sensitive and shy child, I understood how much confidence & self esteem can halt or fuel a persons growth, development and...
Lessons to a New Life in 2014
On January 2nd 2013 a very kind hearted healer, David Rabone, literally appeared at my door, offering a healing session. I didn't know what to expect, and it was definitely nothing like, what I expected, even though I have worked with energy for over 20 years. But it...
Being Still, How To Just Be in the Moment..
Being Still, Do you know how to JUST BE ? Be in the Moment, be still in present awareness? Here in the west, we are so focused and invested in doing and having. That most people don't know where to begin in being still. They find it difficult to JUST BE in the moment....
Looking for a Career Change… around your Health Issues ?
Making a Career Change at any time in your life can be challenging. Having to make a career change around health or disablement issues can be even more difficult and extremely stressful. You may be being forced into a different job, returning to work after a break of...
Why I became a Life Coach ?
Why did I become a Life Coach ? The truth is, I wanted to become a Life Coach for many reasons, but I think that one of the biggest factors was the fact that I love supporting others as they develop themselves, helping them to use their unique gifts and talents. This...
Simple Time Management for a Busy Life
Time Management Tips- How To Manage Your Time More Effectively Work crazy hours ? Have too many, commitments? Feel, there are never, enough hours in the day? These are the most common 'stressors' I hear from both clients and students. So many people feel...
Building Confidence & Self Esteem with Life Coaching
How can Life Coaching help Build my Confidence or Self Esteem ? Life Coaching is about empowering the client, A Life Coach provides the support, encouragement and often tools into motivating and directing the client to make the changes they want to make in their life....
Empowerment through Life Coaching
Empowering Clients to take back their Life can be a beautiful thing. The client who regains her self worth after years of low self worth and self esteem in an abusive relationship. The client who changes her thinking after years of negative self thoughts and distorted...
Letting Go of What You Dont Want
Letting Go Of What You Don't Want When we are feeling stuck and unsure how to move forward, we are often holding on to so much "old stuff" we are not letting go. We are simply clogged up with what we don't want a mixture of old beliefs, conditioning, trauma, and other...