Calm Coaching
Coaching Tools and Coaching Resources to help you become a much calmer, confident and more professional coach.
Our Accredited Stress Management Practitioner Training, our 20+ Relaxation Therapy Tools & Techniques,
Meditation Pod, Meditation Classes and Soul Empowering Courses
How To Quieten The Mind In The Middle Of Life’s Storms
How To Quieten The Mind In The Middle Of Life's Storms? How do you find your center, and feel more grounded when it is so easy to feel extremely overwhelmed, disempowered, or want to give up? Many people around the world at the moment are living through a lot of...
What Is The Relaxation Response?
What is the Relaxation Response? What is the Relaxation Response and what did Herbert Benson's research on the relaxation response tell us about it's importance against stress. Why do so many people struggle to relax properly, relax deeply? In a world where we are so...
5 Minute Calm Techniques To Help You Relax NOW!
5 Calm Techniques to help you relax, de-stress in 5 minutes or less. Simple and easy calming techniques you can do right now, by yourself at work, at home, some you can even do on public transport. Most people today don't even realise how stressed or anxious they...
Why I Became A Stress Management Trainer For Therapists
Why I Became A Stress Management Trainer For Therapists and Coaches Why I Became A Stress Management Trainer, Relaxation and Meditation Teacher than just a healer, therapist, and coach. Why I believe we need more teachers and mentors in the holistic and well-being...
The 5 Stages Of Sleep Cycle
The 5 Stages Of Sleep Cycle. Understanding the Sleep Cycle and why it is not just about how many hours we manage to sleep. But why it is important that we reach the 5 Stages of the Sleep Cycle to get full health benefits? We know good quality rest and sleep are...
Do You Have Cognitive Dissonance?
Cognitive Dissonance - The Struggles Of Cognitive Dissonance Why so many people right now are suffering from the psychological stress of Cognitive Dissonance? Why are so many people in a state of cognitive denial and often don't realisee it? Why Cognitive Dissonance...
Life Lessons From The Road Less Travelled
Life Lessons From The Road Less Travelled. Life Lessons on finding strength, courage, passion, and purpose during the most challenging times of your life. How to stay on your path, on the right path without compromising your ethics, integrity and wisdom. Important...
Why FEAR Disables Your Ability To Think Clearly
Learn Why Fear Disables Your Ability To Think Clearly. Learn why Fear blocks your intuition and ability to critically think. Why Fear, Stress, and Anxiety can disempower, even control and manipulate us. Why Fear can hijack our mind, body, emotions, and sixth sense?...
7 Natural Ways To Help You Relax Deeply
How To Relax Deeply - 7 Natural Ways To Help You Relax Deeply Can You Relax Deeply, Sleep Deeply, or Switch Off without the help of a device, distraction, or form of medication? Sadly millions of people today, struggle to relax, too many depend on prescription...