Learn Why Fear Disables Your Ability To Think Clearly.
Learn why Fear blocks your intuition and ability to critically think. Why Fear, Stress, and Anxiety can disempower, even control and manipulate us.
Why Fear can hijack our mind, body, emotions, and sixth sense?
Trigger a tremendous amount of panic, anxiety, and even trauma in situations that are in no way physically threatening. Why is creating fear one way that can persuade people to do things they wouldn’t normally do or cause someone to give their power over to someone else?
What Is Fear?
Fear is our physical, mental, and emotional response to a real or imagined threat of harm, either physically, mentally, emotionally, or even spiritually. Now in many ways, FEAR is an innate response, a primitive survival response to danger. FEAR can be in many ways very disabling it can cause us to Freeze, Fight, or Flight.
Sometimes fear can cause us to shut down not just mentally and emotionally but physically. That is why fear stops us from thinking clearly, and behaving healthily. It can cause us to react or respond in healthy or unhealthy unconscious ways.
But a lot of the FEAR we experience in our day-to-day life is what we regard as F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. Because in society today we are deeply influenced by not just our beliefs and conditioning, our family and peers but very much the media.
The fear and negative influence our media and social media have on us and our children ais deeply concerning. Most people today are so busy or so distracted and engulfed in their anxiety and stress they are not even aware of how much media is influencing their thoughts and behaviours.
FEAR is a very primitive response that overrides not just the rational mind but can disconnect us from other internal resources and life skills. It can cause us to doubt our inner navigation system. Those senses and skills that help us to decipher truth from fact, those senses that help us sense when something is not what it may appear.
And stop using and developing skills that help us become a more critical thinker, and help us question what we are being told or shown.

FEAR, Negativity, and The Media
If you watch the daily news, and TV and spend hours in a week scrolling through social media you are exposing yourself to a lot of unconscious negative imprinting. You are being influenced and in some ways conditioned by what you watch and what you read.

You only need to step back and observe the words, the images, the repetition, set-up scenes, and marketing used by the news, and TV Channels that are used to in still fear.
It is interesting how much negativity, or bias is projected onto us. And the more exhausted or passive you are when watching or reading this information the deeper it goes into your subconscious without you even noticing it.
The facts are Media, TV, and Films know how to hook us mentally, physically, and emotionally. In many ways that is what good TV and good filmmaking are all about. It is all psychology, mind psychology, and yes in fact mind programming, media psychology, marketing psychology, and political psychology are big business.
You just need to look at advertising to see how much psychology goes into helping you buy that phone, that bed, that holiday.
But if we look at things more closely instilling fear instilling negativity through certain media is a huge imbalance of power, it is very much about manipulation and control.
Because most people today spend a lot of time watching TV or some sort of media, in a very passive state that allows someone to unconsciously imprint on their mind. Any good psychologist worth their salt will tell you that.
We know that for years certain countries with a strong reputation for dictatorship have censorship with their media. They only let their citizens see media they have influence and control over. That is so their citizens are more likely to think like them. Less likely to be independent thinkers, less likely to make their own choices, trust their own intuition and inner guidance, and value and honour their sovereignty.
Why FEAR Overtakes Our Intuition
That is why fear and negative propaganda start to disempower and disable a person’s natural ability to critically think, to tap into their inner wisdom, their intuition aka inner navigation system. We live in a society where in many ways governments, large corporations, and even a medical system that is based on handing over your power to someone else who thinks they know best.
The more time someone spends in the Fight Or Flight Response, the Fear or Stress Response it is much more difficult for them to not just tap directly into their inner guidance system. Fear creates confusion, creates chaos, fear chips away at a person’s ability to feel empowered to trust themself.
I learned a very valuable lesson over and over again in my life about not giving my power over others. Especially when my inner guidance, my intuition was shouting and screaming inside, especially around my health.
Now thankfully I have always been highly intuitive and highly empathic. A seasoned meditator for 30 years and someone who has studied all sorts of spiritual and personal development teachings.
I have learned to be more open but not as attached to a certain way of thinking. Meditation has helped me loosen an attachment to certain identities beliefs and conditioning.
As a child, I was very fearful, but I was also highly empathic and would let others disempower me. As an adult, I started to become more of a witness to how others will try and control, manipulate you, and convince you of what is right for you. But rarely actually do know what is right for you. And it is something that we need to start teaching ourselves and our kids from a young age. We need to develop more self-trust and inner guidance.
We have created a society where people are so disconnected from themselves from their gifts, their sovereignty even their spiritual guidance. We are encouraged to take advice, even power over to people who in many ways have their agenda. And are not doing it for the purest reasons but for egoic reasons, status, power, control, influence, or fear.
Do You Let Fear Control Your Life?
Are you letting fear control your thinking? Are you letting negative thoughts disable your inner navigation system? Are you allowing other people’s fears to stop you from being able to think clearly or even be more of a critical thinker? Is your fears stopping you make the healthiest decisions for you and your family?
Fear keeps us small it stops us from looking at the things we need to look at. Being afraid can stop us from owning our courage, owning our strength even owning our vulnerability.
Being fearful comes from distorted beliefs, distorted conditioning, and disempowering stories we are told or continue to tell ourselves.
The Power Of Your Intuition
Your intuition is a very powerful gift that can help us in so many areas of our lives. But most people only use a tiny fraction of their intuition, their inner navigation system each day. Because of not just fears and stressors, but rather a distracted, busy, and cluttered mind. A mind that places most of its focus on its distortions and fears.
When we give too much power over to the mind, or even to what we just see or hear, we miss out on the other senses and gifts that give us a bigger and wider perspective. Especially to what our body is telling us because that can be our biggest navigation that something isn’t right. If we just trust everything we see and hear on TV, Social Media, or News we are giving our power away to another person’s projection, view, or story.
It is more important than ever for us to tap into our inner guidance to nurture and develop our intuition and more importantly, know it is okay to challenge things and question things.
We are all sovereign beings we all have to find and follow our truth, our wisdom, we can only do that by being more open and able to stay in our power. One of the best ways to start taking your power back is by learning how to meditate and be less distracted by the mind, by the ego by those fearful, negative thoughts that are destroying inner peace. Those fearful projections are disconnecting you from your inner wisdom and even higher truth.