Learn How To Improve Your Mental Health With 6 Simple Daily Habits. Dealing with any sort of mental health issue can be exhausting. Depending on the level or complexity of your mental health challenge it can feel as if the odds are stacked against you. It can sometimes feel that no one understands and at times no one really cares. But this is so far from the truth our mind can often cast a very large distorted shadow of what is truly going on
In-fact most people today suffer from some sort of mental health issue at some time in their life. According to research in 2018, 16 million people suffered from a mental health challenge in the UK. Since this blog has been updated due to COVID 19 stress, anxiety and other issues have in many ways dramatically increased. Women are more likely to suffer from a mental health condition. While men are more likely to suffer from depression and take their own life.
If you are feeling anxious, stressed, or more than blue, life can feel like a constant battle. Each day can feel like a huge struggle. But how do we reduce mental health challenges, how do we pull through. Well, you start by using these very simple but effective daily habits that help support and improve your mental wellbeing.

6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Mental Wellbeing
Nourish Your Body: Eat foods that fuel your body and nourish your gut. We all need the right nutrients to be fully healthy. Gut health is a key component of that. Gut health plays a very important part of our mental wellbeing. An unhealthy microbiome is now recognised as as a key factor in many mood disorders, our mental health. Fast food, sugar, artifical sweeteners, and caffeine can all destroy the healthy microorganisms in your gut.
Live In The Moment: Stop worrying or ruminating over the future or past. Learn to stay in the moment. Learn how to experience more calm and peace with our Free 5 Days of Calm Course
Focus On Your Daily Blessings: Make gratitude a daily habit, list at least 10 things each day that you are grateful for. Remind yourself of all the difficult challenges you have overcome. Reminder yourself of those people that love you. Remind yourself that you are enough, you are so much more than enough by just being born, by just being you. Remind yourself that no one needs to be or do anything to be enough. Focusing on your blessings instead of your challenges, helps increase your mood, your vibration, your motivation levels.
Get Grounded: Most people today are very ungrounded, so in their mental mind they are disconnected from their body. Being ungrounded helps us feel very disconnected, out of sorts, imbalanced, exhausted, and fatigued. And if your highly empathic more sensitive to others and your surroundings. Get out in nature and bring nature to your home and office with nice indoor plants.
Exercise Daily: Daily exercise even a simple walk or gentle yoga can help improve your mood. It can be hard to motivate yourself when suffering from various types of mental health issues such as depression. But the more you get moving physically and energetically. The more you will start producing more of those happy hormones and feel more balanced.
Get Creative: Tap into your creativity, find some passion. Take up an old or new hobby. Hobbies can be deeply relaxing, they are great at helping reduce anxiety and stress. Hobbies are also a great way to ignite new passion and purpose in life. Clients have been sharing how much fun they got from my latest Fairytale Writing Course and my Creative Inner Child Sessions which are fun, creative, and deeply healing.