Is Suffering From Apathy, Chronic, And Severe Stress taking over your life? Is it stopping you from taking action, prioritising self-care? Or stop you from fully taking self-responsibility?

Why are so many people today in such a state of apathy?

Why are so many people feeling anything but empowered?

Struggling to take action and self-responsibility for their life, their health, and the situations they find themself in?

signs of apathy, chronic stress and severe stress

What is Apathy?

Apathy in many ways is often a physiological and psychological reaction, a symptom of chronic or severe stress, trauma, chronic anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges.

A state of indifference, overwhelm, exhaustion, or suppression of fear. In some ways a state of mental and emotional consciousness that millions have found themself engulfed in over the last few years.


The Common Problems With Apathy

Now the problem is apathy feeds apathy in both a collective way and in a long-term way.

The longer we find ourselves stuck in apathy the more difficult it can be for us to move out of that state.

The more power we give away physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and societally through lack of action and self-responsibility, the more we fall into passiveness and victimhood.

The less likely we are to notice or play a part in the decisions made in the world we live in.

That is why throughout history, during times when there was great apathy and depression, many people have stood back and let some of the most disturbing things happen, especially around their basic human rights.


Feeling Lost, Worn Out, And Overwhelmed

When we feel lost, worn out, overwhelmed, and distracted it is easy to block out the world within and around us.

Today it can be too easy to think well we have no power anyway, it can be easier to let other people and the world around us make those big decisions for us. 

But the reality is we are all stronger than we think we are.

We just need to know or be reminded how to access that strength, that passion, that power.

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Top Tips For Moving Out Of Apathy

Focus On Boosting Your Mood

Orange Essential Oil is great for helping boost your mood, it is well-reputed at being uplifting, warming, and energizing.

Lemon Essential Oil is very refreshing and can help increase concentration and focus. Lemon oil is widely used in shower gels and body washes that are designed to help energize and wake us up.

Get Moving, Exercise Your Way Out Of Apathy

Exercise and movement can help boost those happy hormones, and help encourage good chi which helps improve our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It doesn’t have to start big even a short walk, some yoga or tai chi at home can do wonders to boost motivation.

Learn To Reframe Those Unhealthy Thoughts

The more you can become more consciously aware of the thoughts, beliefs, and fears that create and maintain the apathy cycle. You can start learning how to reframe those negative thoughts into healthier thoughts. CBT and mindfulness can help you become more conscious of those thoughts, and learn how to challenge those thoughts.

As A Highly Sensitive Child Who Was Constantly Told I Was Too Sensitive

As a highly sensitive child who was regarded as too soft, My sensitive traits were viewed by so many people as a weakness rather than a strength, that I was viewed as weak and vulnerable. Like most children I began to believe what I was told, I often felt helpless and powerless. It wouldn’t be until later on in life, which some simple reframing I saw the reality that my sensitivity was my strength NOT my weakness. 

I just needed help to shift my perspective and learn some healthier strategies to become more empowered and more resilient.

That is why I truly believe we are all much stronger and more powerful than we can imagine.

On The Other Side Of Apathy

No matter how much apathy is crippling your choices, your life, your health, your relationships, and your rights right now.

Believe me, it is important to know that the other end of apathy and fear is, action, life, passion, purposeand POWER!!!

Because apathy is not where you belong, that is not a place where you are called to be.

YES sometimes we need a rest, a break from the overwhelm, the chaos, the confusion, and the stress.

But also sometimes we just need a little bit of help, support, or a different way of looking at things.

And the tools to manage our fear, our anxiety, and stress. If you need that help don’t be afraid to reach out for that help.

Because you are important, you matter and we need you at this time. The reality is we are all more powerful than we can possibly imagine, especially when we all have the courage and wisdom to work together to create together, the type of world we are here to co-create.


Less than 5 minute mind hack to relax, de-strss

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