Benefits of Relaxation Therapy for anxiety and stress.

Relaxation therapy can include a variety of breathing, meditation, and relaxation techniques used to reduce chronic stress, anxiety, and sleep problems. The safe and therapeutic use of highly effective relaxation tools that support the body off the “stress response” into deep stages of relaxation the “relaxation response”.  Relaxation exercises are not just used to treat anxiety and stress but in pain management, general health and recovery from post-surgery. These highly effective stress management techniques encourage the body back into homeostasis, a state of peace.

Medical Research: Benefits Of Relaxation Therapy For Anxiety

A variety of medical research has demonstrated the effectiveness of meditation and relaxation techniques in anxiety and stress management. A ten-year systematic review of relaxation training for anxiety showed a medium-large effective size in treating anxiety problems. “Relaxation training for anxiety: a ten-years systematic review with meta-analysis Gian Mauro Manzoni,corresponding author1,2 Francesco Pagnini,2 Gianluca Castelnuovo,1,3 and Enrico Molinari1,3″

Certificate Relaxation Teacher & Relaxation Therapist

Military Research On Benefits Of Relaxation Therapy For Anxiety And Stress At War

A variety of medical research has demonstrated the effectiveness of meditation and relaxation techniques in stress management. We know relaxation therapy can be extremely beneficial in reducing anxiety and panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorders. So beneficial that relaxation techniques have been used to help support war veterans and warfighters. Research by US Military Medicine demonstrates the use of relaxation therapy with virtual reality technology to reduce war anxiety and stress. “The Effectiveness of Technology-Enhanced Relaxation Techniques for Military Medical Warriors” MILITARY MEDICINE, 176, 9:1065, 2011

Relaxation Techniques And Relaxation Response

Benefits of relaxation therapy for anxiety and stress, sleep problemsRelaxation Techniques such as PMR for anxiety and stress, work on the physiological and psychological body. They are very effective at reducing and moving one off the “hyperarousal state”. They help move the individual from the anxious or stressed state into the “relaxed response”.

The relaxed response is ” a physical state of deep rest that changes a person’s physical and emotional responses to stress”. Herbert Benson.  The relaxation response has been widely researched to have many health benefits. It is known to help reduce anxiety, depression, insomnia, heart rate, blood pressure, and many health-related problems.

So, relaxation exercises encourage a healthier mind and body responses to external and internal stimulation known as stressors.  They are so highly beneficial for those with long-term chronic anxiety, health, pain, mental, sleep, or stress challenges. They are one of the reasons relaxation therapy training is so popular in the health and charity sector.

Different Types Of Relaxation Therapy For Anxiety And Stress

In our relaxation therapist training, we teach  a wide range of anxiety, stress management, and relaxation techniques which include

Other than pain management and sleep therapy strategies.

We find a combined approach to relaxation therapy, anxiety, and stress management much more effective in treating clients and students in the short and long term.

Benefits Of Meditation In Relaxation Therapy

Meditation Techniques work on the emotional, mental, and spiritual being encouraging the person into a deeper state of peace. Meditation helps bring the individual into the present moment. Most causes of anxiety and stress are caused by the ruminative and negative thinking of the monkey mind. Meditation if taught properly and effectively is probably one of the most powerful skills you can teach any person of any age. One reason it is a fundamental part of our relaxation teacher training.

A Self-Help Form Of Therapy

The Relaxation Therapist or Teacher’s main role is not therapist but teacher, supporter, and empower. This is all about giving clients and students the skills to manage their own stress and anxiety. The ability to experience more calm, peace, self-confidence, and an improved sense of health and well-being. The main reason why this type of training is so popular for support groups is the health, education, and charity sector.

Our Accredited Relaxation Therapy Course is suitable for Individuals, Therapists, Healers, Coaches, Counsellors, Support Workers, and Teachers. An online training program that includes self-study training, online live webinars, and assessment from Eileen Burns or another trainer from Stress Coach Training

certificate relaxation therapy training by highly experiencd stress therapist of over 20 years

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