Do you know how to slow down or relax? Do you know how to seriously switch off? Really relax and have some me-time?

Why Do Most Of Us Struggle To Slow Down, Relax

Most of us actually don’t know how to slow down, relax, struggle to switch off and have some me-time. We are so busy, so distracted by the past, by the future that we find it difficult to be.

We find it so difficult to be fully present and grateful for the wonderful moment-to-moment experiences we have each day. Because we have been conditioned to place most of our focus and priorities on trivial distractions, so many unimportant things.

Look how much time and energy we spend on online technology, social media, TV.

How much energy and money we spend on staying busy, shopping, vanity, gaining status, power, or career success. And so little time appreciating the moments, the people, and beauty around us. The gifts of each day.

No wonder so many people today are so easily stressed, easily anxious, chronically unhappy and so unhealthy. 

monday meditation class and online relaxation classes to help you slow down

How Much Time Do You Spend Really Relaxing?

In many ways, relaxation and being are regarded as a luxury, our something we just do at weekends or when we have some spare time. But relaxation is so important, so important for your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

We are often so busy planning for the future, wishing, goal setting, for the future that we don’t take the time we should to relax. We have in many ways forgotten how to slow down.

We spend so much time in survival mode, in fear, anxiety, stress, resistance, and busyness that we have forgotten that relaxation is actually an important element of our innate state.

Why Most Of Us Need To Learn How To Slow Down?

We all need TIME out from the physical and mental hustle of modern-day pressures. No matter how much responsibility you have in your job, your caring, or parenting duties, we all need to switch off, relax, and just be. Our mind, body, and emotions need more balance and harmony.

Learn How To Relax, Slow Down, Have Some ME Time

We are not designed to be constantly overstimulated most of the day, every day. So it is more important than ever that you take some time out to stop.

For optimum health and wellbeing, we all need time for self-care. Or we end up either burnt out physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually in a state of dis-ease. When we are children we find it so easy to relax but when we start suffering from chronic anxiety and stress we too easily forget.

That is why going to meditation classes or a Relaxation Therapist can be one of the best investments you ever make on how to help you slow down. Learn relaxation, anxiety and stress management tools to help you relax, unwind, sleep more deeply.

5 Tips To Help You Learn How To Slow Down

  1. STOP Rushing – everyone is always rushing, everything has a sense of urgency. The crazy thing is we often do things more effectively and timely when we slow down.  And ask yourself this, is it really that important? is it really worth the stress? Will it be that important a year from today? A simple way to reduce your rushing is by placing STOP signs everywhere on your desk, computer, fridge, car dashboard…then consciously count to 5 as you inhale and exhale.
  2. Take Regular Time Out – make sure you take time out from your working day, from household chores. Even a simple short walk at lunchtime or simply making sure you sit down at tea or lunch breaks reteaches the body how to slow down.
  3. Switch Off and Unplug make sure you and your family have a curfew when you switch off computers, module devices, online games, etc. Digital devices with led and blu ray play havoc with the body’s natural sleep hormones. So make sure you switch off at least 30 minutes before going to sleep and even better have times when mobile devices are not allowed e.g breakfast, dinner, family celebrations, Sunday afternoon…
  4. Take Up A Relaxing Hobby  – take up a relaxing or therapeutic hobby that you love, this is a fun and easy way to help reset our nervous system move into the relaxed response.
  5. Learn How To Relax Deeply – learn how to relax deeply and effectively, relaxation techniques are extremely powerful, one of the reasons so many therapists and coaches do our Certificated Relaxation Therapist Training
  6. Plan Out Relaxation Time– If taking time out is something you never do, it can seem a bit strange at first. But it gets so much easier when you have a plan. Begin by introducing simple time-out strategies to your daily routine, your weekly routine, and then at least a few breaks every few months.
  7. Meditation Or Mindfulness – the right type of meditation or mindfulness skills can help us switch off from the doing or thinking state into the how to slow down and be in the flow state.

Learn How To Relax And Slow Down

Remember to slow down you need to STOP working through lunch and tea breaks, STOP, and take the time out. Slow down, slow, and easily wins the race. You will feel so much calmer, stronger, more peaceful, and focused. And believe me, you make much better and wiser decisions.

When you teach your subconscious on how to slow down it is far easier to be guided by your inner wisdom, your intuition.

When we don’t slow down or switch off regularly our mind, body, and emotions simply forget how to switch off. And your body remains in that anxious or stress response the not so pleasant “fight or flight response”

So stop and slow down each day, learn how to JUST BE in the moment, let go of tomorrow’s and the yesterday’s, and focus on this moment right now in this day.

If you would love to experience deep relaxation and peace, learn how to meditate, learn simple effective relaxation therapy techniques join Eileen’s Monday Meditation & Relaxation Class.

monday meditation class and online relaxation class

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